Saturday, April 08, 2006

Catch up cont

CA trip Day 13

On this glorious sunny Monday morning Spike and I took the kids for about 3 hours so Cara could get some stuff done at the house. We went by Spike's brother's place, then his mom's place, and then played at the park. There's a big gay community in Palm Springs and Spike and I fit right in as a gay couple with our two kids in the park. :-)

Once back at the house we got ready for a mellow bike ride. At this time the sun was giving away to a lot of dark clouds. Damn, will I ever get a full day of sun and heat? We got a nice 25 miles in and at least it didn't rain.

I finally put the dumbells and Swiss Ball to work that I brought along. Got a decent work out in the garage. I got pumped up. Had a nice dinner in with the fam.

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