Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Monday, May 08, 2006

Race Report from Longbranch, WA

Masters State Road Race Championships

Masters C, about 45 riders?, four 10.5 mile laps, 8 Zoka brothers, and two finished in the lead group top 12-15 or so.

There really wasn't a chase group of any kind. The other 30 or so riders had already been dropped. All the men in brown worked hard, but it was a tough race.It rained most of the time, but it wasn't near as cold as TST so I wasn't facing hypothermia this time.

The big hill was long, steep, (relative terms I guess) and I had a difficult time in a 39-25 by the third time up. And that's all she wrote. Plain and simple I didn't have the fitness, but I also had my worst back pain of the season and my left cleat was about to fall off so that didn't help matters.The follow car went by and there was no hope of catching back on. About half the field had already been dropped by this time, but I didn't find anyone nearby to ride with. I finished out the 3rd lap and went to the car to change out of my soaked clothes and watch the finish. (Luckily we left the key behind this time).Brian G and Don S were the sole Zoka survivors. Great job, guys!

z "hopin to avoid anymore rain races" dog

The End (of bus pics)

Fierce competition between the drivers!

A driver does his inspection.

Bus Roadeo

Bus Roadeo

The last weekend in April I flew down to CA (Irvine) for a "Bus Roadeo". Sportworks was a sponsor so I was there to wave the company flag. Bus drivers from all over the country compete on a course made up of turns, stops, tight back ups, etc. They also do a pre-drive inspection of a bus that has "bugs" planted a ead of time. Our rack was on the buses and the pivot bolt had been taken out. Above are a couple pics. Note to self: next time research better where the hotel is. I didn't have a car and there was no place to eat nearby.