Friday, June 23, 2006

Seward Race Report 6/18/06

Written by a teammate, Trevor.
That was a hoot! Zoka places two in the top 5 and takes all 3 primes at the Master's State Criterium in the C class. We had no real plan before the race, other than to be attentive and see who was motivated. Ken "The Animal" quickly demonstrated he was ready to go by attacking the first lap. Two laps later, Z is charging up the hill. The rest of us get to sit in. Nice.First prime and I drift to the front. I jump hard and the pack promptly throws in the towel. Drift to the middle and let Ken, Z, and Tom control things. Second prime and Z puts in a big attack. Tom follows along behind a TI Cycles, just in case. Score: Zoka 2, pack 0. Chris and I continue cruising along mid-pack. Third prime: Ken jumps hard only to have his chain start skipping. He's lunging and cursing like Lance on Luz Ardiden. We figure his chain is busted and he's gone. Suddenly, like the Phoenix, Ken arises from ashes and claims the prime!Now it's three to go and everyone's getting twitchy. Chris and I start moving forward. Bell lap and Ken moves to the front, while Z brings me forward. Two riders are away, but they're coming back quickly. I jump a little late, chasing a Byrne and a MoMoney up the hill. Close, but not quite and I'm in for third. Chris is right behind in fifth.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Start of the first trail. 1.4 mi down to the beach.

Eliza, Mitch (Annastasia), Boo, Bet, Jack

The start of our hiking/camping trip along the coast

Albert is behind me trying adjust some things better. I had way too much with me and a new misadjusted pack. Pretty much a newbie to extended primitive camping.